Well, this is a certain line from a certain character i liked.
It's a work of art by Koji Kumeta. Truly it is a work of art.
And in the animation adaptation, on the second seasons, after the endings, they'll read an entertaining short stories. And i must say, i am impressed, but no, actually, more than that, i became a fan. Well, they were just the author's complains and absurd jokes in the form of literary parodies.
But darn, they were good they were.
I mean, ever heard of "Crime and Punishment"? Or "Les Miserables", "Daddy-Long-Leg", "Rashomon", or "Run, Melos"?
I like the author's knowledge of literary. And the parody...
So i surfed the net, asked the great Mr. G for an easier to read version, yet i am unable to find them written. Not even on a single page. Not even mentioned!
Thus, i will write them myself.
-Death Country
Once we left the tunnel, there was another tunnel.
After that tunnel, there was another tunnel
After that tunnel, there was yet another tunnel.
The tunnels went on and on.
Tunnels the entire way.
That was my life.
I left the tunnel to find myself in another tunnel.
-Run, Eros.
Melos was enraged.
"Whaddya mean, seventy grand for a couple beers!?
Ya said there wasn't any extra charge!"
"No, that's our regular price."
"Then i'll go grab some money!"
"Leave a friend then. I'll bury him if you don't come back."
Melos ran.
"Sorry. I might not be back."
-Young death master.
I inherited my desire to die from my parents...
...and spent most of my childhood plotting my death.
In grade school...
...I jumped from the second floor, but i didn't die.
The next year...
...I tried slitting my wrists with a paper knife...
...but i still didn't die.
The year after that..
...I tried hanging myself by twisting paper into a rope...
...I tried gassing myself to death with chimicangas...
...but i didn't die.
Such was my life.