Minggu, 24 April 2016

Despair Anthology

I'm in despair!!!

Well, this is a certain line from a certain character i liked.
It's a work of art by Koji Kumeta. Truly it is a work of art.

And in the animation adaptation, on the second seasons, after the endings, they'll read an entertaining short  stories. And i must say, i am impressed, but no, actually,  more than that, i became a fan. Well, they were just the author's complains and absurd jokes in the form of literary parodies.

But darn, they were good they were.

I mean, ever heard of "Crime and Punishment"? Or "Les Miserables", "Daddy-Long-Leg", "Rashomon", or "Run, Melos"?
I like the author's knowledge of literary. And the parody...

So i surfed the net, asked the great Mr. G for an easier to read version, yet i am unable to find them written. Not even on a single page. Not even mentioned!

Thus, i will write them myself.

-Death Country

Once we left the tunnel, there was another tunnel.
After that tunnel, there was another tunnel
After that tunnel, there was yet another tunnel.
The tunnels went on and on.
Tunnels the entire way.
That was my life.
I left the tunnel to find myself in another tunnel.

-Run, Eros.

Melos was enraged.
"Whaddya mean, seventy grand for a couple beers!?
Ya said there wasn't any extra charge!"
"No, that's our regular price."
"Then i'll go grab some money!"
"Leave a friend then. I'll bury him if you don't come back."
Melos ran.
"Sorry. I might not be back."

-Young death master.

I inherited my desire to die from my parents...
...and spent most of my childhood plotting my death.

In grade school...
...I jumped from the second floor, but i didn't die.

The next year...
...I tried slitting my wrists with a paper knife...
...but i still didn't die.

The year after that..
...I tried hanging myself by twisting paper into a rope...
...I tried gassing myself to death with chimicangas... 
...but i didn't die.

Such was my life.

Jumat, 22 April 2016

Puisi kuncen rumah


Kegilaan adalah dirimu.
Begitu dalam benakku.
Begitulah sukmamu.
Begitu pula diriku.
Begitulah kita.

Lalu kau bertanya:

Ya, begitu.


Aku batu di tengah sungai.

Mengamati yang mengalir
yang meninggalkanku
yang menjelma mimpi buruk
yang bernama sepi

Mengalir. Ke mana? Mengapa? Bagaimana?

Aku sepi. Galau. Bimbang.

Aku batu di tengah sungai.

Rabu, 13 April 2016

Tata Ulang Surya

Ok, ketika menulis tata surya, saya berencana menulis novel tanpa banyak rencana.

Hasilnya? Kekacauan.

Seperti bangunan tanpa fondasi.

Manusia tanpa tulang.
Ponsel tanpa pulsa.
Raja tanpa mahkota.
CPU tanpa motherboard.
Lukisan tanpa estetika.
Darwin tanpa evolusi.
Romeo tanpa Juliet.
Descartes tanpa keraguan.
Widuri tanpa senja.
Bulan tanpa bicara sendiri.
Makhluk tanpa socio.
Sigmund tanpa Das Ich.
Apam tanpa Abam.
48 tanpa Nabilla.
Negara tanpa rakyat.
O Sole tanpa mio.
America tanpa kebebasan.
Refleks tanpa tulang belakang
Wu tanpa tonfa.
Korazon tanpa la espinado.
Cola tanpa Coca.
Togame tanpa cheerio.
Aku tanpa kamu.
Isis tanpa teroris.
Tanpa tanpa tanpa.
Karakter tanpa pendidikan.
Natrium tanpa klorida.
KuKlux tanpa hitam.

Ya, begitulah, tata surya akan ditata ulang.
Konsepnya sama, hanya beda eksekusi.

Prologue anthology

.No Longer Human (maybe)

"I did it... Yes! I DID IT!!"

Was what i heard as i woke up for the first time in my life.

"Its alive! She is alive! SHE IS ALIVE!!"

The voice came from someone, wearing a long white coat,  with a little trinkets on his neck, and a glasses hanged in front of his eyes.

It was a man. I don't know him, but i know he is. I don't know how i know, but i know.

He is a human. And i'm afraid, i'm not.

. Just ask Google

Hi, i'm Google.

My fullname is Google Searcher, middlename unincluded.
I know, say no more.
I used to hate my parent for this.
I mean, who wouldn't make fun of such an amazingly modern comedic name?

Well, i used to.

. Forbidden to love

"I know this is sudden, but i love you."

"Go to hell."

"Since the first time i saw you, i just....."

"Eat shit."

"Well, i know you prefer women, but i believe this won't be a problem."


"I can't help it, you know?"

"Just hurry up and kill me."

"I love you."

"Go **** yourself."

. Healthy Man

They said that, "revenge is a dish best served cold." 

But, nah, i'm a healthy man, i prefer it as warm as possible.
But i am also a coward, i don't wanna get hurt. That is why, i always make sure i won't get hurt, they won't hurt me, they can't hurt me. 

So, "dead man tell no tale" right?

. Potato!!

Well, this is sudden, but i'm dead.
Ever heard of solanine? It's something contained in green potatoes.
And apparently, that's how i died.
And apparently, i still have some regrets.
Though, i don't know how being a ghost would help.

. Skipjack

I hate tunas. And all other fish in general. Except catfish. Catfishes are delicious.

Especially when they are submerged in a bucket of seasoning, fried till they're crispy. "Oh sole mio!" They are the best.

Especially specially, if it's that guy's cooking. That guy who open his stand every thirteen on the calendar. With a limited stock of the best chosen catfishes. And his secret seasonings. 

Once you take a bite, you can't go back.

Senin, 28 Maret 2016


Step. And a gust blew some papers.

Another step. And a bird bombarded.

Then another step. A washing machine blew out all that it contain. From there flew a pair of dirty sock, jazzy fuzzy underwear, cheap broken english t-shirts. All toward a random subjects, in which it all became the seed in creating a link in the infinite chain of chaos.

Finally, another step. And chaos is love. Chaos is life.

"Dude, no matter how many times i see your ability, i'm still amazed."

"More like a curse, and yeah, it is amazing."

"No, dude, think positive! If you're the villain, you'll be the strongest one out there."

"I'd rather not. And, hey, it's our turn now."

And so, another step was taken. All for the sake of  some french fries and a happy meal.

"Dude, you're seriously buying a happy meal?"

"So what? It's the limited edition!"

"Yea, i know you like that somehing-48, but still."

"To regret buying, or to regret not buying, i think i prefer the first one."

"True, true."

"Thank you for waiting, 2 french fries, a happy burger, and Nabila idol-figure, thank you for your patronage."

And thus countless of steps was made by protagonist. Leaving behind the trail of what was once serene grace. All up to his house.

"Ok, dude, see ya."

"Don't forget the game!"

"I won't!"

And so the main character ended today.

Minggu, 27 Maret 2016

I caught a skyfish

It was a bit sudden. I know. I was surprised too.

One morning. I woke up. Yawn, stretched. As i stretched, i usually make a some kind of grabbing gesture, i don't know, it's a some kind oh habit. It's not like i'm trying to catch something, but, damn, i never thought i would catch a skyfish.

Kamis, 17 Maret 2016

Puisi dalam intensifitas

Lelah, lesu, lemas, semua karena intensif seminggu sebelum ujian nasional.
Setidaknya aku sedikit bersyukur karena sekarang memakai komputer. Aku tidak perlu pegal membulatkan, dan ada kemungkinan besar error lagi seperti saat geladi. Kuharap aku kena error itu.

Ya, aku menulis sebuah puisi yang tentu tidak akan ada yang baca lagi. Judulnya 'Aku'



Yep, sampai jumpa? ah, tidak, aku akan memasang satu cerpen.